Florida Claims Defense Network (FCDN) presents:
2025 WEBinar
about fcdn
We began providing educational seminars to Florida's automobile/medical claims industry in 1995 as Medical Claims Defense Network/MCDN.
In 2019, MCDN changed its name to Florida Claims Defense Network/FCDN in order to provide courses with homeowners claims information as well as auto/medical topics.
FCDN presented its first joint auto/homeowners seminar on October 17, 2019.
We welcome eligible insurance adjusters, SIU representatives, defense lawyers, and regulatory and law enforcement agents.
We have provided CEUs for Florida adjusters and CLEs for Florida Bar-admitted lawyers, but do not guarantee credit prior to course approval.
Our one-day seminars are offered bi-annually, and cost only $125 for early registrations, and include self-parking, continental breakfast and a diverse buffet lunch.
Registration is now closed.